How Universal are incorporating social media into their mobile advertising campaign

The mobile phone is a great way for companies to get their advertising out to potential customers, as it is advertising ‘on the go,’ so no matter where they travel companies can always get their message out to their target audience. Nearly every teenager today has a mobile phone and most can access apps and social media on it, which is why companies, like Universal, are trying to use this to their advantage. After all, I would expect their target audience for this movie to be teenagers, so it looks like a great tactic!

Universal has done this with the release of ‘Snow White and the Huntsman.’ They run their ads within Pandora, a musical app. The ads that they have created incorporate links to their social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. This is a great move to further their reach.  Getting their audience onto social media helps to interact with them and find out what they think about different subjects whilst also sending out information such as trailers and upcoming events. Universal can build a two-way deeper relationship with their audience, as well as raise awareness. After all, one in three people go to see a movie in a theatre, because of something they read on a social network.

Snow White and the Huntsman

The Universal Pictures ad features characters from the movie and encourages consumers to buy tickets for it via their mobile device. This is great because as soon as they click on this or the social media sites they are given so much information and most importantly how they buy tickets and go see the movie.

Even after the company has used these tactics and persuaded everyone to go see the movie, it doesn’t stop there. People use social media whilst they are in the movie theatre, checking it seems to have become an addiction. In a study around 11% of people said they do this, which in turn helps advertisers because they are sending more information out to all their friends and followers and the cycle continues.


Over the past decade, the mobile device has gotten much more complex and even now, it still continues to be an emerging advertising market with enormous potential, which is still far from being realized. How do you think it compares to the laptop in regard to giving out and receiving information from social media? Do you think it will change in the next 10 years?